Lasting Marriage secret: Just Say, 'Yes'!

Lasting Marriage
How often do you refuse a request your spouse? According to a marriage counselor, one of the real secrets of a lasting marriage is to always say yes, to what your spouse prompted.

This was disclosed by Jenna Couture, sex and marriage education experts from the United States. Jenna certainly is not without reason to expose one of the recipes that lasting marriage.

The recipe he got from spouse whose marriage has lasted a long time. According to the couple, who make their marriage last long in fact that's easy, 'we just say yes'.

Of course, the word 'yes' spoken to a reasonable request. For example, when you are asked to fetch water for her, any activity being conducted, that he will stop and get it.

This also applies otherwise. The wife is also going to stop doing, when her husband filed a request. In cases like these, who needs to be emphasized is either the husband or wife, do not take advantage of each other.

Dr. Noelle Nelson also argued with Jenna. Nelson is a psychologist who has over 20 years working on issue of the wedding.

While for the praise, the husband or wife forgot to give appreciation to their partners because they feel familiar for all things done. Though appreciation is very important, even if it's just little things.

Dr. Nelson explained again, appreciation is also reminiscent husband what things make you fall in love with him, for example, his smile, his humor, his affection to the children. Appreciation also to make him know if you really pay attention to what he did.

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