5 Things To Do Before Deciding Have Children

5 Things To Do Before Deciding Have Children
Having a child is a desirable thing for married couple. Many of those who perform a variety of ways to obtain descent, ranging from taking vitamins, doing routine checks to a gynecologist, and so on.

However, before doing all that, there are some more important things to be done by the couple before deciding to have children. Aida Seetner, a marriage and family therapist share five tips, as summarized below Canadian Living.

1. Make sure you and Couples Relationship Healthy
If you and your spouse are planning to have children, make sure you both are in a strong and healthy relationship. "Make sure your relationship is really good. I say this because many couples who underestimate the emotional impact of the presence of a child," said Seetner.

2. Resolve All Problems Together with Couple
If you or your partner has a problem that has not been resolved, talk together. Most couples assume the problem will go away when the baby is born and comes in between them. Seetner warned that problems unresolved can appear again in the future.

3. Establish good communication
You and your partner should be able to establish very good communication if you want to be a parent. Exchange ideas with the expressed concerns of each party can help ripen themselves.

4. Discuss the Roles
As parents, you and your spouse should have the responsibility and role in the future care of the child. The division of roles such as "who will be the" police "when the child starts misbehaving" and "who is going to be a fairy godmother" is important. The division of roles that must be addressed before a child is born. That way, when she was born, you already have a 'guide' to where the child should be directed.

5. Prepare to Change Lifestyle
Having a baby is not the same as it was a moment where you do not have a baby. Changes in lifestyle, emotional, physical and even course will happen when they have children. To overcome this, you should both take the time for 15 minutes a day to talk about things that are only focused on the development of children.

Raising a child is the most beautiful phase in life. But it is better if couples who want to have children doing preparation in order to be a spry old man in the future.

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