3 Ways to end The Quarrel

3 Ways to end the Quarrel
Quarrel is one of the things that often happens in a relationship. Sometimes quarrel are not go over when the couple yelling at each other and dropping.

If quarrel not go over often occur and tolerated, it is not perhaps one of the couple say the word divorce. How should end this bitter quarrel?

1. Go Away
When a quarrel with your spouse is getting heated up, ranging from bringing up the past, mocking their families until speak rudely to your partner, you better foot and cool off the situation from getting worse. Try to take a deep breath and try to breathe fresh air. Keep you and your husband did not dwells each other and resolve the problem quietly no more than a 24-hour time limit.

2. Divert Your Mind
When you feel regret or fear of what will be said of the couple after quarrel, focus the mind on real objects that you crush Resembling like flowers, pets or view the beautiful outdoors. Could also see edge of your spouse as beautiful eyes or. So brains activity will move from amigdala (area where emotions are processed) to a more rational areas such as the left prefrontal cortex of the brain. This will help you feel more relaxed and receptive rather than defensive or angry continuously.

3. Hear More Clearly What Couples Are Saying
When couples are expressing their feelings, learn to not directly respond to what he said. Take a pause to reflect and repeat back what you hear. This process is called mirroring and will help you avoid misinterpretation and keep the atmosphere calm.

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