How to Avoid the Problems before Marriage

Marriage was one of the most special moments in life. Therefore, must be carefully. But sometimes, there are some things that did not run as planned. For example, the difference between a family argument and your partner.

In addition, there are also some other things to consider. Anything about it? Following the advice of Dr. Phil McGraw, a psychologist romance known after appearing in Oprah Winfrey's talk show.

1. Do Many Others Interference

Not a few of your friends and family who want to participate in the success of your wedding. Okay, but did not giving full authority to them because it could make the show fell apart. "Do not let others ruin your day just to please them," said Dr. Phil.

2. Do not Become 'Bridezilla'

Bridezilla is the name given to the brides who are worried if the marriage did not going according to plan so horrible behavior change. In the care of the wedding, bridezilla quite a perfectionist and not easily satisfied. Try to focus on the wedding day is sacral. No matter how perfect the day, but how to make the event run by the wisdom and happiness.

3. Receive a Support from the Nearby People

Do not be afraid to involve your family and friends when planning your wedding day. Help from them would make more sense of happiness. However, it did not mean all the relatives you can set up a party organization. Control remains in the hands of you and your partner.

4. Do not Become a Victim of 'Money Bully'

Your parents or your partner wants to fund all of the wedding. Because of this, they even dominate the entire plan has been made, even change it as they wish. It is better to marry than simply a feeling of a lump because marriage did not according with your wishes and your partner.

5. Create a Budget

Make it a good budget. Include also in anticipation of unexpected costs. Wedding budget is very important to keep no matter when the day comes that can lead to debt.

6. Focus on Both Bridal

Wedding plans can lead to misunderstandings with family or close relatives. Misunderstandings arise because of an emotional person. Dr. Phil says, "When people get married, the wedding day is the day of their happiness. Prize for their beautiful with support and let them enjoy their wedding day."

7. Marriage is a Ritual

In public life and culture, marriage is not just a celebration of the ordinary, but a special ritual that symbolizes the transition of children to grow up. Dr. Phil suggested that the bride and groom to take over their lives. "Say, 'It's my wedding, the beginning of my life. I will do what is best and right for me,".

8. Consider the idea of ​​marriage for 15 Minutes

Do not immediately reject the idea out of the wedding plans have been prepared. Psychologist's romance advise that you need to consider the ideas associated with marriage for 15 minutes. Maybe this idea can be used before the wedding if plan A did not run as planned.

9. Rest

Resting your body a break from the discussion of marriage. Do not even stress because too tight and think of the success of the event. It is better to go alone with the couple to entertain themselves and relieve tired before the day of happiness that comes. You can feel more relaxed when he returned to take care of the wedding.

10. Sense of Humor In Wedding Planning

Do not expect that the event will take place perfectly. It is precisely this that makes you disappointed because it was too serious. Better relaxed, but focused. One day later, the two of you a funny story when preparing a wedding can be a memory that can be told with a child and did not forgotten.

11. also Discuss about Domestic Life

Wedding reception only lasts a day or two. However, life after marriage will run for years. You and your partner also needs a readiness to build a harmonious family. Therefore, discuss together about religion, career, jobs, houses, children, and so are useful for the future of your household.

12. Forgetting The Bad

If the wedding is done and there are some events that are not fun, you should forget about the incident. Just think of all that happy when the wedding. Many wonderful things are bound to become your lifelong memories.

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