10 Unique wedding venue

Marriage is a sacral moment when two human decide to live together in a binding promise. Usually, the chosen venue is a house of worship as representing certain values​​. For some people, the venue into a unique place that has its own story, as reported by tiptopten.

1. In the top plane
The couple from Wales, England married while standing on an airplane. They decided to do this after winning a competition run on the plane in flight.

 Unique wedding venue

 2. Shooting Range
Far from the conventional way, the couple who married in a field shooting this action shooting special targets in shooting practice field.

Unique wedding venue

3. Racecourse
Sandown Park in England in addition to well-known as a horse race, it also provides a wedding venue. Complete with special suites as Director until Andros.
Unique wedding venue

4. Space
The couple astronauts was married inside the shuttle in 2009. The groom wore a wrist-strap circumference of the bride wore a shirt and an earring planet. The invitation was only wearing a jumpsuit.
Unique wedding venue

5. wilderness
Similar to the Twilight story, married in the wilderness and witnessed by the wild animals could be an option. Just make sure you're not eaten alive.
Unique wedding venue

6. simulation of the Crucifixion
Couples who are very religious values ​​they uphold the scene of Jesus being crucified. They were married under the actor who plays Jesus who was crucified on a castle-like venue.

Unique wedding venue

7. Public Phone room
The couple was originally married to send sms to each other, they decided to get married in public telephone booths as a symbol of communication are closely connected.
Unique wedding venue

8. cemetery
Unique and frightening. The couple was married in America in a cemetery. Complete with a coffin, they were both tied the knot while lying on their chests.
Unique wedding venue

9. In The Water
Marriage in the water first performed in 1904 and since then many who followed him. There are many variations that occur under water, from under the sea to the swimming pool.
Unique wedding venue

10. Haunted House
If married at the cemetery have not hideous, a couple was married in 1973 in an empty old house that no one dwell in the middle of the night.

Unique wedding venue

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