The Wives Call Husbands More Than Anyone Else

The Wives Call Husbands More Than Anyone Else
According to recent research, the wife tend to be more frequently called her husband. From the results, the researchers concluded that the the wife is more concerned with the marriage than the husband. Really?

"It's the first really strong evidence that romantic relationships are driven by women," said Robin Dunbar, author of the study, as quoted from the Huffingtonpost.

The study, titled "Sex Differences in Intimate Relationships" was published in the journal Scientific Reports. In that study, total three thousand people checked the phone records.

In addition to earlier studies, there is also a 2007 study which concluded similar results. Researchers at Iowa State University, argues that women hold the 'power over' in marriage, and demanded to resolve conflicts when they arise.

"Women are responsible for overseeing the relationship, making sure the relationship runs, that everything gets done, and that everybody's happy." said Megan Murphy, leader of the ISU research.

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