a different Nature makes Lasting Marriage, Myth or Fact?

There are many myths about marriage that if the trust can make a person be hesitant to marry. These myths growing because often published and displayed media. For example, news about the growing number of celebrity divorce.

As quoted from psychology today, Professor of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst through his book 'The Search for fulfillment "uncover the myths about marriage. What are these myths?

1. Couples who have different nature  more lasting  rather than same nature

Indeed, people will tend to be attracted to the opposite sex that are different. Differences in the nature of the pairing is more challenging to know each other. Does your partner have different nature will be a success when undergoing a wedding? According to Susan, based on research, it will be lasting marriage when couples have the same nature and ways of thinking. When the age of marriage has been walking around for years, the couple will feel comfortable and like living with a friend.

2. More and more marriages end in divorce

Right now it's more often just to see the marriage ended in divorce. Is it now more and more couples are divorcing?

3. The presence of children can cause cracking the marriage

Some research suggests happiness generally declined each pair had a child. It's not that love you both more and less or less together your child's presence. Actually happens is the challenge of a growing and increasingly complex relationship. As a couple, you have to be realistic about when the right moment to have a child. Never assume a child is the solution to reduce conflict with your partner. Your life will change after having children. Should be used to strengthen the relationship and communication with your partner before trying to have a greater responsibility by having children.

4. No need to consult with experts at marriage deteriorated

If you and your partner are not able to solve your own problems, it could not hurt to consult with experts. No need to wait for your relationship on the verge of divorce before consulting with experts. The longer you wait, the worse the problems that plagued both of you. Couples therapy is more effective consultation if it is done to prevent and at an earlier stage than if done at the time the relationship was at the end of a divorce.

5. Better not to tell your partner when you are mad or disappointed

If you choose not to vent his anger in order to avoid a fight, it's certainly not healthy for your own. Surely that can ruin a marriage is not to resolve the conflict or fight you. The quarrel is an important communication and could help resolve the conflict. Try to fight you always end up on the solution. Slowly lower the emotions in order to find the end of your argument. Do not use harsh words during a fight. Just tell me what's on your feelings and avoid accusations and unfounded prejudice. Focus on the contentious issues and do not bring up other things let alone past mistakes.