6 Common Financial Mistakes Made by Newlyweds

6 Common Financial Mistakes Made by Newlyweds
Money is the most sensitive items to be discussed. Not only with others, with the couple could also backfire. For newlyweds, managing finances together is not easy.

Many newlyweds do not control their expenses properly. so many mistakes that occur in use of money. Then, what a mistake when managing money that often happens to the new bride? Here are six mistakes, quoted from Newlyweds.
1. Spend money like Still Single
When she was single, all the decision is yours. You are eligible to use the money as you like. Not a few women who still carry these habits after marriage. Of course, this should not be allowed. You should be aware that you are now living together with a partner. All spending decisions and better discussed together. Create a joint account to manage your money. All expenditures must be known well

2. Rarely eat at home
Eating out too often can be a waste of your money. This is common by a new bride. They chose to eat outside because they are so dense and the activity is still in the phase change from single to married life. Not a problem, but if you continually do, spending even more bloated. Better to try to save by learning to cook at home. so that spending more efficient

3. Saving failed
Maybe you have a wedding to prepare carefully and consider your budget. After all is ready, you feel will run smoothly in the future. In fact, not. You have to think about the cost of living is not unexpected because it is uncertain. In fact, if you are managing finances for the future, you both still need to save, such as costs for retirement or to send children to college.

4. Leaving debts
very important financially prepared before getting married. Maybe there are some couples who married because financed by others making them in debt. If you're one of them, do not pile up debt. You let debt because there are other needs are more important. Indeed, the debt that will burden your lives. Finish off your debt quickly so that there is no longer a burden to be borne.

5. Shopping a Not Important
Maybe when single, you are buying a lot of accessories and magazines or books for your hobby. Unnecessary spending should be minimized after marriage. Try to reduce the purchase order needs are more important to take precedence. Instead, invest money for long-term needs.

6. Does not Creating a Budget
Mistakes made by one of the newlyweds are living without a budget. Though the household budget is essential for the continuation of the marriage relationship. The budget is made in favor of the main requirements and limiting spending. If it does not make a budget, you can not control your money. It can trigger a fight between you and your partner because of uncontrolled spending.

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