5 Phases Can Harm The marriage relationship

5 Phases Can Harm The marriage relationshipResearchers from Australia believes there are five phases of the crisis will be experienced by each of the married. Unfortunately, most couples do not even realize that they are in a dangerous phase in the marriage. at least 5 Phases Can Harm The marriage relationship

The researcher has also issued a list is not intended to scare away any couples who married. They hope this research can make the pair better understand and prevent the crisis.

Still according to the study, 20 percent of couples usually do not make it past the five of the crisis that ending her marriage. The following phases of the crisis to be faced every pair, as quoted from Genius Beauty.

1. After honeymoon

This phase is when the couple began to return to the 'real world'. They are usually surprised by the fact that their love story is not as perfect as a honeymoon. This is the perfect time for the adjustment.

2. Postpartum

the baby can distort family situation. New role as parents often cause dispute of them

3. Financial Problems

The older age of marriage, then the more your family's needs. Sometimes the need is not in accordance with the income to be pointy enough problems. It's good to discuss financial arrangements with pair early on.

4. Change of Job

Substitution of job will make physical and mental condition of a person to become unstable. Changes in habits, time and work pressures can also affect a person's home. Do not let yourself and your partner fall asleep with the press of work. Do not let your marriage become a victim.

5. Retirement

Retirement can also influence a person's mental. Feeling worthless and useless will affect the emotional side. If this happens to you and your partner, which must be done is to guide each other. Cultivate in yourself and your partner, that sense of love and mutual respect, will survive in even the worst circumstances.

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