4 Easy Steps to Overcome Stress In Marriage

Many people say that wedding is only happy in the early years after getting married. But over time, work and children are often the triggers stressful.

"Stress will cause you both get impatient and keep their egos so hard to solve problems that should not be complicated," said Catherine Cohan, P.hD, a psychologist at Penn State University, as quoted by Women's Day. Consequently , there are four things you can do to relieve stress in your life when married. What are they?

1. Empathize
Try to feel your partner's feelings. Listen to the problems and wishes of the husband. Take control of yourself, and asked couples to discuss coolly. Take out all your affection, do not obey the ego that is peaking. "Help him to calm his feelings and not argue. Let your husband feel more relaxed at your side," said Leslie Campis, P.hD, a clinical psychologist.

2. Show That You Heard His complaint
Keep your smartphone and TV remote when the spouse is complaining. Focus in what he says, if necessary,
explain more fully the core of the conversation partner. Then, think the best solution or provide advice to the husband is more quiet. That way, the couple will feel respected, valued, and loved by you.

3. Solving Problems Together
If the husband is facing a problem that makes it stressful, try to slowly learn the point. Rather than just sit back waiting for her husband solved the problem, you better take a stand.

4 Easy Steps to Overcome Stress In MarriageEncourage your husband to solve problems together. According to Cheryl Gore-Felton, P.hD, a clinical professor and psychologist at the Stanford School of Medicine, "the pair say, 'Let's solve the problem together!' rather than just listen to it ".

4. Give A touch
Stress or tired is experienced in the household may not be able to go away, just a story and listen to each other. You can sense it overflowing with a hug or was holding when he was in a public place.

It can make more sense a peaceful and love. Not just you, your spouse must also feel it too. "Communicating with touching can reduce stressful," said the doctor Gore-Felton. When he was far away, send an email to the couple in order to foster a sense of thrill that makes the relationship more harmonious marriage.

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