
How To Choose Right Venue For Your Wedding

The wedding is once in a lifetime event. That is why you should hire professional wedding photographer that will capture the beauty of your big day. You can spend months choosing the right photographer for you. Unfortunately that is not the only decision that will influence what kind of pictures you will get. Of course professional wedding photographer can produce decent pictures in any circumstances, but if you help him by choosing the right venue the result will be stunning. 

When you choose your venue you should understand that photography, at its very heart, is all about light. So, there are some rules how to choose location for your wedding. This is coming from first hand experience as a professional wedding photographer in San Diego, CA. 

* Direct sunlight is too harsh for pictures. It leaves dark shadows under your eyes and noses and it makes people squint. So it is often best to avoid flat open spaces without any trees. 

* If you still want to choose open space location for your ceremony you can add some kind of shade above your heads (canopy will work fine) and parasol umbrellas for your guests. They will greatly appreciate it and your wedding photographer will have an opportunity to get some amazing pictures. 

* It is recommended to choose location that has some beautiful grounds close to it. Mature trees provide some shade and can be used as a nice background for pictures. 

* Variety of architectural/landscape features close to the location is always a plus. 

* It is good to have some places indoors that can be used for taking pictures in case the weather is poor. 

* Think Light! The best wedding venue is a ballroom with large windows and lots of natural light. 

* If you already booked a location with lack of natural light, add some candles to illuminate your room. They will look stunning in pictures. 

* The venue should be painted white or in some warm, neutral colors. Avoid strong colors like Green and Blue because reflected light can add Green or Blue cast to people faces. 

* Consistent type of light, all tungsten, halogen or sodium is preferred rather than a mix. 

* Ceilings are VERY important. Wedding photographers often use them to bounce flash to make pictures look more natural then by using direct flash. So, ceilings should be between 10 and 20 feet high, white or light warm color. Avoid rooms that have either very high or very low or dark ceilings. 

* If you choose between church and civil service there is one thing to consider from photographer' s point of view: Registrars are usually more liberal of photography than priests in church who are often have all kind of restrictions for taking pictures starting from not using flash, not move during ceremony or not allow any pictures at all during the service in some cases. 

Does your venue have everything that was recommended? Probably not. There are just few wedding locations that have everything mentioned on that list. So, what should you do if your site is less than ideal? Do not worry, if you hire experienced wedding photographer, he or she can handle any conditions of the venue of your choice. Just ask your potential wedding photographer to show you some examples of his or her work in situations that are similar to yours and if you are happy with the quality of the work shown hire that photographer for your wedding. 

How To Choose Right Venue For Your Wedding