Years Of Marriage Prone

Is important for a couple to know the character of their partners and find out a solution or a strategy of what to do when problems occur, so unsustainable that culminate in divorce. A problem in the family was not unusual common and inevitably it be dealt

Different Year, Different Problems

The following stages are used to pass the couple getting married:

Romantic Love (0-4 years)

Prone years starting from the fourth year of marriage. Problems is more focused on personality problems that do not appear while courting. "When I was courting, both are still in the stage of romantic love, everything is still all romantic. Illustrations, images, and concepts about marriage is still struggling in just the beauty of the relationship, who do not fit with the reality of married life is."

When entered in the marriage, they begin to show real character. The couple began to aware of habits of the couple was surprised and not appropriate with expectations. For example, a wife upset that her husband was always pressing the toothpaste from the middle, not from the end as usual. Or, the husband was annoyed by the habits of a wife who always showered with muddy conditions in the bathroom to dry them.

The problem was small, but if the barrage and buried it could lead to conflict between them. If in the period of four years the couple get through all the problems, expected their marriage will be stable in the future. But if on the contrary, when they do not get through it with a good adaptation, their household will continue to trouble the rest of the wedding itself.

Realistic Love (4-8 years)

At this step, both couples starting to learn again to accept the true character of their partners, aware of these differences that they did not noticed before, deepen communication skills, learn to understand and express desires, needs, and feelings, develop strategies to deal with each other, and giving and accept. There are already negotiations and accommodation.

Love Struggle (8-13 years)

Into the the stage where the couple feel bored in the household, because it turns out they were doing business in the previous phase is not too meet the expectations of each.

Discovery Love

Age of both couples are not young anymore. Even children are getting bigger and grown. These conditions make the couple began to re-construct their goal to get married, also began releasing anger and pain. They start create a ties with the new connection is back to deepen communication, honesty, and restore the trust their partner.

From the steps above, we learned that marriage is a continuous process, just like when people find God, never get. Success or failure of the marriage, depending on the couples themselves, whether to learn or not

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